About us

StroyCity company is a large enterprise with more than 1000 experts, its own mechanization base, a special fleet of 100 units and the metalworks workshop producing up to 500 tons per month.

Special machinery fleet:
  • Lifting machines (truck cranes with a with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons, truck-mounted platforms) – 17 units;
  • Road construction equipment (pneumatic and tracked excavators, multifunctional front loaders, tractors and other equipment) – 24 units;
  • Dump trucks (dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 15 to 25 tons) – 13 units;
  • Semi-trailer trucks and trawls with semi-trailers – 9 units;
  • Special equipment (fuel truck, pile-driving and pile-pressing rigs, drilling rigs, including rigs for horizontal inclined drilling and other special equipment) – more than 10 units;
  • Cargo and passenger transport – more than 40 units.

The company’s top-management, foremen, masters and crews have 16 years of experience in large-scale industrial and civil construction.

Throughout many years of activity, StroyCity Company has never failed to fulfill its obligations to the state, customers, partners and employees in due course.

Currently, StroyCity, as the general contractor, is executing highly complex projects for its key Clients: Gazpromneft – Omsk Oil Refinery JSC and Gazpromneft Shelf LLC, as well as undertaking general contracting work for the construction of the ZapSibNeftekhim LLC plant, a SIBUR company.

Additionally, the company is actively participating in and plans to continue participating in tenders held by its clients.

On 15/03/2020, by the Order of the Governor of the Omsk Region and the Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, StroyCity was included in the List of Backbone Companies of the Omsk Region in the field of Construction and Production of Construction Materials as one of the companies that provide the functioning of basic life support areas in the Omsk Region (in the edition of the List of Backbone Companies of the Omsk Region dd. 15/03/2022, serial number 102). StroyCity is a continuously operating company working at a particularly important and technically complex production enterprise of continuous cycle of federal importance - Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC.

Specialization of the company:

StroyCity offers all types of general construction works: construction and assembly, repair and construction, electrical installation, dismantling and other types of works in the explosion-proof production facilities of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industry with hazard classes I, II and III in accordance with the Federal Law “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” of 21.07.1997 No. 116-FZ.

Stroycity LLC organize the work of an own separate subdivision in any region of the Russian Federation. In Moscow and Tobolsk, the company took part in the series of major projects at the Gazpromneft-MNPZ JSC and Tobolskneftekhim OJSC.

HSSE management system

StroyCity's health, safety, security and environment management system complies with the current Russian legislation and the requirements of international standards. StroyCity's HSSE Department has highly qualified specialists and all the necessary facilities and equipment.

Operational Activity Management System (OAMS)
In 2022, StroyCity was included in a pilot project for partners of Gazprom Neft PJSC aimed at developing the Etalon production system for operational activity management (OAMS). The company was selected as one of the key contractors of Gazpromneft Omsk Oil Refinery JSC. The core principles of OAMS are regular management practices and lean manufacturing. OAMS's purpose is to maximize the company's operating performance by ensuring reliable and safe operational activity and encouraging all employees to adopt continuous improvement culture.

One of the key outcomes of OAMS implementation was obtaining the INTI certificate INTI.QS.S.QS2-11-2024-6.

StroyCity is a member of the Saint Petersburg Constructors’ Union, Association, Self-Regulatory Organization, non-commercial partnership and has:
  • the right to conclude general contracts (up to 10 billion rubles) as a general contractor;
  • the admission to work at the facilities with the normal level of responsibility;
  • the admission to work at especially dangerous, technically complex and unique facilities, including industrial enterprises of petrochemical and oil and gas industries;
  • the admission to operate as a general contractor when organizing construction, reconstruction and overhaul works.

StroyCity is a member of the Non-Profit Partnership “Self-regulatory organization "Association of Professional Designers of Siberia”. The company has the right to perform engineering surveys and prepare project documentation for construction contracts with a price of up to 25 million rubles (first level of responsibility) of capital construction projects, and highly dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction facilities (except for nuclear facilities).

Voluntary insurance of risks
  • Voluntary insurance of risks connected with causing harm (loss) as a consequence of deficiencies in construction work affecting the safety of capital construction facilities (Insurance Contract No. 6924 GL 0055 dd. 25/10/2024 for RUB 500,000,000).
Emergency Control Ministry license for the operation of assembling, maintenance and repair of fire safety devices for buildings and structures, including dispatching and commissioning performance concerning the following systems and components:
  • fire-extinguishing systems;
  • security and fire alarm systems;
  • fire-prevention water supply systems;
  • warning and evacuation systems in case of fire;
  • automatic fire alarm transmission systems;
  • fire curtains and screens;
  • fire-resistant barrier penetration sealing;
  • work on fire protection of materials, products and structures.
Rosprirodnadzor License for implementation of activities on gathering, transportation, processing, utilization, deactivation, placement of wastes of I-IV classes of hazard:
  • transportation of wastes of I class of hazard;
  • transportation of wastes of II class of hazard;
  • transportation of wastes of III class of hazard;
  • transportation of wastes of IV class of hazard.
Expert NK, LLC Certificate of Competence for visual and measuring nondestructive testing laboratory, certified to test:
  • Vessels;
  • Gas supply systems (gas distribution);
  • Equipment for explosive and chemical hazardous industries;
  • Buildings and other structures.
StroyCity has the following welding techniques certification:
  • manual metal-arc welding;
  • manual argon-arc welding with non-consumable electrode;
  • mechanized welding with consumable electrode in the atmosphere of active gases and mixtures;
  • welding of polymeric materials with heated instrument, which allows to perform installation and welding at the following groups of hazardous technical devices:
    • oil and gas production equipment;
    • in compliance with the requirements of Transneft PJSC;
    • chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, explosion and fire hazardous production equipment;
    • building constructions.
StroyCity has the following valid certifications required to perform work at the facilities of the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant fixed platform of Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC:
  • Certificate of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping No. dd. 07/03/2023 on compliance with RMRS requirements, as a company carrying out:
    • re-equipment, upgrading and repair of technical surveillance facilities;
    • re-equipment, upgrading and repair of hull structures;
    • installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of devices, equipment and supplies;
    • installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of systems and piping;
    • installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment.
  • Certificate of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping No. dd. 22/08/2022 on the approval of the technological welding process of an enterprise engaged in: re-equipment, upgrading and repair of technical survey facilities (approved technological process for manual arc welding of pipelines);
  • Certificate of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping No. dd. 07/06/2023 regarding approval of technological process of for a company carrying out: re-equipment, upgrading and repair of technical surveillance facilities (technological process of semi-automatic welding of sheet structures is approved);
  • Personnel certification according to the programme Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET / HUET / FOET) and personnel evacuation training using the Skyscape Evacuation System.
Voluntary management system certification
  • Code certificate of integrated management system:
    • GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015),
    • GOST R ISO 14001-2016 (ISO 14001:2015),
    • GOST R ISO 45001-2020 (ISO 45001:2018),
    issued by Eurasian Certification Union LLC.

Main Clients of StroyCity

  • Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
  • ZapSibNefekhim, LLC
  • Gazprom Neft Shelf, LLC
  • Gazpromneft-KS, LLC
  • Gazpromneft-SM, LLC
  • Gazprom Avtomatizatsiya, PJSC
  • Gazpromneft-Supply, LLC
  • Neftekhimremont, LLC
  • Avtomatika-Servis, LLC
  • Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
  • State company "Titan", JSC
  • Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC
  • Gazpromneft-MNPZ, JSC
  • OMUS-1, OJSC
  • TGK No. 11, JSC
  • Polet, PA
  • Genenergomontazh, LLC

Main completed and current projects of StroyCity in 2010-2025

Полный комплекс строительно-монтажных работ по строительству объекта
Customer ZapSibNeftekhim, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Logistics complex of the New complex for the production of propylene by dehydrogenation of propane and propylene derivatives at ZapSibNeftekhim LLC (Logistics complex DGP-2) in Tobolsk, Tyumen region
Fulfilment period May 2024 – May 2026
Type of works Full range of construction and installation works for the construction of the facility
Строительство сетей водоснабжения и водоотведения отделения ГФ-1
Customer ZapSibNeftekhim, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Construction of water supply and sewerage networks for the GF-1 unit
Fulfilment period October 2024 – March 2025
Type of works Replacement and installation of water supply and sewerage networks, landscaping work, excavation, and installation of fencing for column K3
Замена и прокладка сетей ВиК, работы по благоустройству
Customer ZapSibNeftekhim, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Installation of outdoor water supply and sewerage networks for general factory facilities at ZapSibNeftekhim LLC in Tobolsk, Tyumen region
Fulfilment period May 2024 – April 2026
Type of works Replacement and installation of water supply and sewerage networks, site improvement
Комплекс работ по проектированию, изготовлению и монтажу модульных конструкций и пусконаладочным работам
Customer Gazprom Neft Shelf, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Technical re-equipment of the water treatment and reservoir-pressure maintenance systems of the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant fixed platform (phase 1), Varandey, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Barents Sea
Fulfilment period August 2022 – August 2025
Type of works Set of operations: modular structures design, manufacture and assembly, as well as commissioning works
Комплекс работ по строительству, монтажу технологических трубопроводов и оборудования, пусконаладочные работы
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Complex for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons (aromatics production complex), phase 3.1, section 300, located on the territory of Gazpromneft Omsk Oil Refinery, JSC
Fulfilment period August 2022 – February 2026
Type of works Set of operations: construction and assembly of process pipelines and equipment, commissioning works
Устройство технологических трубопроводов (сети ВиК, теплосети, основные строительно-монтажные, механо-монтажные, пусконаладочные работы)
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Effluent facilities of Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC. Mechanical cleaning unit, Off-site utilities
Fulfilment period June 2021 – November 2023
Type of works Installation of process pipelines (water supply and sewerage networks, heating networks, basic construction and installation, mechanical installation, commissioning)
Очистные сооружения
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location “Effluent treatment facilities. Tank blocks. Substructures” situated within the territory of the operating plant Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC)
Fulfilment period November 2018 – November 2023
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures on a turnkey basis of three tank farms; tanks volume range of 100 m3-20 000 m3.
Монтаж резервуаров
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Reconstruction of the delayed coking unit 21-10/3М (2nd and 3rd stages) (preparation period) (DCU)
Fulfilment period August 2020 – October 2022
Type of works Mounting tanks, process pipelines, equipment, corrosion protection of the process pipelines, changing and laying water supply and sewerage pipelines, general construction works
Общестроительные работы, монтаж металлоконструкций и оборудования
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Replacement of motor truck scales in the equipment fleet
Fulfilment period October 2021 – July 2022
Type of works General construction works, erections of metal structures, and equipment assembly
Монтаж технологических трубопроводов
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor NIPIGAZ, JSC
Object name and location Complex or repair and installation works in accordance with the accepted engineering solutions for the heating of Interconnecting Utilities (projects of the Large-Scale Project Directorate) on the pipe racks TK5 and TK5.1, on the lines 1219,1222, sections TK5.1-TK-12-TK-16 of the line LC-1211, within the framework of the project “Construction of off-site facilities of the CDU-VDU Complex, DCU and DCC within the territory of the working factory of Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC” (COR 189_2, COR 189_3, COR 310)
Fulfilment period August 2021 – October 2021
Type of works Process pipeline installation
Замена технологических трубопроводов
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Repair and replacement of engineering utilities at the off-site facilities, Technical Control Laboratory, Chief Power Engineer Department, Administrative Economic Department and Commercial Production Department
Fulfilment period May 2021 – August 2021
Type of works Replacement of industrial pipelines (engineering utilities and heat distribution network)
Монтаж металлоконструкций, технологических трубопроводов пара, линий конденсата пара, нанесение АКЗ
Customer Gazprom-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor NIPIGAS, JSC
Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Re-equipment of the intermediate pressure steam piping within the framework of the campaign “Remedial measures complex aimed at the utilization of excess steam from the Advanced Oil Refining Complex considering no consumption by CDU/VDU and delayed coking unit” (stage 1: installation of process pipelines TK2 (section from the motor road 7х28 to 8х28), stage 2: installation of process pipelines TK2 (AD-9/Isomalk-2))
Fulfilment period February 2021 – July 2021
Type of works Steel structures assembly, installation of steam process pipelines and steam condensate lines, application of corrosion protection coating
Комплекс строительно-монтажных работ
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Technical re-equipment and partial replacement of the Aromatic Hydrocarbons Production Complex (KPA) (to insure the acceptance of benzene concentrate L-35/11-600), Gubkina Ave, 1
Fulfilment period July 2020 – November 2020
Type of works Construction, assembly and commissioning works on site
Лабораторно-аналитический комплекс
Customer Gazpromneft – Catalytic Systems, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Laboratory and Analysis Complex, key production facilities and off-site facilities within the territory of the operating plant. Works in the Catalyst Testing Engineering Center
Fulfilment period June 2020 – April 2021
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works for the Center construction, including removal of utility networks, lightning pole installation, temporary power supply and utility networks installation
Лабораторно-аналитический комплекс
Customer Gazpromneft – Catalytic Systems, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Laboratory and Analysis Complex, core production facilities and off-site facilities within the territory of the operating plant. Substructure and utilities. Initial-stage works
Fulfilment period December 2019 – February 2021
Type of works Earthworks, piled foundation works
Переоборудование нефтяных резервуаров Р-15 Р-16 под приём ДТЗ
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Re-equipping oil tanks P-15 and P-16 for storage of winter diesel fuel for the needs of Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
Fulfilment period November 2019 – June 2020
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures, dismantling and mounting equipment and pipelines
Организация схемы фильтрации СМТ
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Arranging filtering circuit for filtering low-viscosity marine fuel
Fulfilment period November 2019 – May 2020
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures, equipment mounting
Установка сернокислотного алкилирования
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Sulfuric acid alkylation installation (25/12) Facilities No. 2
Fulfilment period September 2019 – October 2019
Type of works Repair of process equipment and pipelines during shutdown maintenance
Организация схемы выпуска ТСУ-0,5 Гибрид
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures for the "Thermal power station-0.5 Hybrid output design"
Fulfilment period June 2019 – June 2020
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures
Строительство производства катализаторов
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures for the "Checkpoint for the construction site of catalysts production plant"
Fulfilment period June 2019 – November 2019
Type of works Complex of construction and installation works
Customer Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor UralStroyNeft, LLC
Object name and location Pipeline remote pumping station "Isilkul-PP" Engineering and technical safety system. Reconstruction
Fulfilment period April 2019 – November 2019
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works on the vertical stainless steel tanks (РВС -10 000) № 7, 8, 13, 14
Customer Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location GPHE "08-ТПР-005-011296". Trunk pipeline pumping station "Barabinsk". Construction works.
Fulfilment period April 2019 – September 2019
Type of works Construction and assembly works
Customer Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location GPHE "08-ТПР-004-006995". The automation system of oil metering station No. 448. Omsk Regional Oil Pipeline Management. Omsk pipeline remote pumping station. Technical re-equipping.
Fulfilment period April 2019 – October 2019
Type of works Technical re-equipping the automation system of oil metering unit
Customer Transneft-Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location GPHE «08-ТПР-005-023024». Replacement of trunk pipeline station at the pipeline remote pumping station «Isilkul-PP» Kurgan oil pipeline management office. Technical re-equipping. GPHE «08-ТПР-005-023025». Leaks and drainage collecting and pumping system at the pipeline remote pumping station «Isilkul-PP». Kurgan oil pipeline management office. Technical re-equipping.
Fulfilment period March 2019 – October 2020
Type of works Trunk pipeline station replacement. Leaks and drainage collecting and pumping system
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor Neftekhimremont, LLC
Object name and location Reconstruction of catalytic reforming unit L-35/11-600
Fulfilment period August 2018 - April 2019
Type of works Dismantling and installation works
Лабораторно-аналитический комплекс
Customer Gazpromneft – Catalytic Systems, LLC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Laboratory and Analysis Complex, core production facilities and off-site facilities on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period August 2018 – June 2019
Type of works Disassembly of building structures, underground utilities and metal structures. Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up and commissioning operations
ЗМУО. Производство № 2. Модернизация здания объединенной операторной № 1(ЖМ № 8455)
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Replacement of outmoded equipment. Facilities No. 2. Upgrading the building of the combined operator room No. 1 (ZhM No. 84455)
Fulfilment period July 2018
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up procedures, equipment and C&I mounting
Объекты общезаводского хозяйства
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor NIPIGAZ, JSC
Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Off-plant facilities for the CDU/VDU, DCU and AORC operation on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period November 2017 – December 2019
Type of works Complex of construction and installation works for the preparation of the construction site and demolition of existing structures, installation of water supply and sewerage networks, piling works
Объекты общезаводского хозяйства
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor NIPIGAZ, JSC
Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Off-plant facilities for the CDU/VDU, DCU and AORC operation on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period July 2018 – July 2019
Type of works Complex of construction and installation works including corrosion protection of technological pipelines on pipe racks Pipeline tie-in works, repair of pile caps and columns of process trestle, modification of pipe racks
Магистральная насосная перекачивающая станция
Customer Transneft – Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Main pumping station “Barabinsk”, located on the Barabinsk pipeline remote pumping station (Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region)
Fulfilment period February 2019 – September 2019
Type of works Construction and installation works including construction/dismantling of temporary buildings and structures. Exploration of foreign pipelines and nets crossing. On-site testing of diagnostic devices passing ability. Start-up and commissioning operations. Participation in complex testing of systems and equipment.
Customer Transneft – Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor UralStroiNeft, LLC
Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Vertical Stock Tank-10000 № 9, 10, 11, 12, Omsk District Oil Pipeline Agency, pipeline remote pumping station «OMSK» on the Omsk pipeline remote pumping station (Omsk)
Fulfilment period May 2018 – June 2019
Type of works Construction and installation works including construction/dismantling of temporary buildings and structures. Exploration of foreign pipelines and nets crossing. On-site testing of diagnostic devices passing ability. Start-up and commissioning operations. Participation in complex testing of systems and equipment
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Replacement of worn-out equipment. Connection of pumping technological block-box to water and power supply systems, PCS and turnkey communication networks on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period May 2018 – March 2019
Type of works Design and survey works and construction and installation works including reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of the facility. Industrial safety examination, registration of positive safety expert review in Rostekhnadzor, author’s supervision services provision
Временная вертолетная площадка
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Temporary helipad on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period June 2018 – August 2018
Type of works Complex of construction and assembly works and start-up and commissioning operations on a turn-key basis at three helipads, three parking areas and roads. Landscaping and gardening of the area of 8 hectares using roll and sown lawn
Оборудование магистральной насосной No2
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location On-spot loading rack-2 on the pipe welding station-2 on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period June 2017 – October 2018
Type of works Development of the railroad facilities of the enterprise. Construction of non-public railway tracks for the on-spot loading rack-2 at the pipe welding station-2 of Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC. Construction of quiescent rail road-track scale at the on-spot loading rack-2 of Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC (construction, installation, commissioning works)
Комплекс строительно-монтажных работ
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor Gazprom Avtomatizatsiya, PJSC
Object name and location CDU/VDU complex located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period June 2017 – July 2019
Type of works Complex of construction and installation works
Замена резервуара № 779
Customer Gazpromneft-SM, JSC, OZSM
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Technical re-equipping. Renewal of reservoir No. 779 in the depot No. 1131. Unit No. 37/1-4” in the branch plant of Gazpromneft-SM, LLC, OZSM located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period June 2017 – December 2017
Type of works Dismantling, assembly, construction, insulation, chemical protection, electrical installation works, external water and sewerage lines and wastes disposal
Замена резервуаров № 854, 855
Customer Gazpromneft-SM, JSC, OZSM
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Technical re-equipping. Renewal of reservoir No. 854, 855 in the depot No. 193, reservoir No. 883 in the depot No. 1133 TF-3 in the branch plant of Gazpromneft-SM, LLC, OZSM
Fulfilment period June 2017 – December 2017
Type of works Dismantling, assembly, construction, insulation, chemical protection, electrical installation works, external water and sewerage lines, control and measuring devices and automatic equipment, process control system, and wastes disposal
Оборудование магистральной насосной No2
Customer Transneft – Zapadnaya Sibir, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Trunk pipeline pump station of pipeline remote pumping station “Omsk”. Construction. Equipment for trunk pipeline pump station No. 2. Replacement of main pump units No. 1, 2 and 3. Omsk Regional Oil Pipeline Management. Pipeline remote pumping station “Omsk”. Technical re-equipment located on the Omsk pipeline remote pumping station (Omsk)
Fulfilment period April 2017 – November 2017
Type of works Construction and installation works (dismantling, installation of pipelines and pumping units) including the construction/dismantling of temporary buildings and structures; diagnostic devices testing; commissioning work including individual and functional testing
Блок очистки газов регенерации каталитического крекинга
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Treatment unit of regeneration gases of catalytic cracking (works on demolition/dismantling of capital facilities and transfer of out-door plumbing system networks) on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant (Omsk, Gubkin Ave., 1)
Fulfilment period March 2017 – July 2017
Type of works Dismantling of equipment and piping with partial saving of equipment and building constructions (potassing pumping house, foundations, compressor house), ferroconcrete fume stack 100 m high element-by-element (with 2 m rings) using diamond carving and lorry crane Liebherr LTM 1500
«Автоматизированная установка тактового налива No1»
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC
Object name and location Automated installation of timed pouring No. 1 located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period October 2016 – August 2017
Type of works Construction of the breast wall device, installation of fire tanks (monolithic bottom slabs, monolithic tank walls), installation of water supply and sewage networks.
«Реконструкция установки 36/1-1 с целью получения масел-мягчителей типа ТDAE» на ООО «Газпромнефть-СМ» «ОЗСМ»
Customer Gazpromneft-SM, LLC, OZSM
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Reconstruction of installation 36/1-1 for the production of softening oils like IDAE on the Gazpromneft-SM, LLC, OZSM operating plant.
Fulfilment period September 2016 – December 2016
Type of works Dismantling of existing equipment and buildings, general construction works, mechanical installation works (technological equipment and piping), electrical works, instrumentation and control equipment, plant floor system, pre-commissioning activities, equipment supply.
«Комплекс ЭЛОУ-АВТ» на территории действующего предприятия АО «Газпромнефть-ОНПЗ»
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC
Object name and location CDU/VDU complex located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period May 2016 – March 2017
Type of works Ground works, pile works, foundation pour, backfill of pit hollows, mantling of water drawdown system.
Демонтажные работы существующей этажерки
Customer Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Technical re-equipping of carbolic acid/acetone production section 101-105 located in the Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC operating plant.
Fulfilment period May 2016 – July 2019
Type of works 1. Workshop 101-105.
Demolition of the existing equipment supporting structure and foundation in view of pit excavation. Demolition works of the pump station on the axes 19-24 AB. Construction of new equipment supporting structures and foundations. Ground injection.
Working period: May 2016 – September 2017

2. Control room.
Preparation works (land works, crushed-stone bed and cement bed). Construction of the foundation plate MP-1. Construction of walls and columns. Construction of the floor slab panel MP-1. Installation of blastproof doors.
Working period: October 2018 – July 2019
Благоустройство улицы Ленина
Customer Gazpromneft, JSC
General Contractor Petrostroy, LLC
Object name and location Improvement of Lenin street on the site from Partizanskaya street to Victory square (including the adjacent Dzerzhinsky square, the Academic Drama Theatre square and the Theatre garden), located at: Omsk, Lenin str.
Fulfilment period April 2016 – May 2016
Type of works Installation of monolithic structures of stairwells with retaining wallsand monolithic structures of underground pedestrian crossing
Локальный водоблок для обеспечения оборотной водой технологических установок
Customer Gazpromneft-SM, JSC OZSM
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Local water unit for de-asphalting plants 36/1-1, 36/13, and 36/3-4 located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
Fulfilment period October 2015 – December 2016
Type of works Construction of pile bases, water supply and sewerage, cooling towers, industrial building, process pipe racks. General construction, electrical installation, construction and installation work. Equipment supply, start-up and commissioning works, installation of ventilation and heating systems, installation of water supply and sewerage networks, process pipelines and equipment installation, automation
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location GPE-6N (construction and installation commissioning activities) located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period April 2015 – February 2016
Type of works Electric and general construction works, installation of ventilation and heating system, of water supply and sewerage networks, industrial pipelines and equipment, automation
Реконструкция КТ-1/1. Секции 100/200/300/400.
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Reconstruction of installation CT 1/1 of section 100/200/300/400 on the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period March 2015 – September 2015
Type of works Preparatory works, pile works, ground works, installation of monolithic instrument room, steel constructions installation, finishing works, electrical works, installation of water supply and sewage networks
Портальная смотровая площадка
General Contractor CC IdealStroy, LLC
Object name and location Portal viewing platform with a stair descent to the embankment of Irtysh river. Chokan Valikhanov str, Omsk.
Fulfilment period July 2014
Type of works Construction of monolithic ferroconcrete walls, floor slabs, stair flights. Electrical works
Водоблок для установок ЦВК-4,5
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Water unit for installations VAC-4 and 5 located at the GazpromneftONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period February 2014 – June 2015
Type of works Preparatory works, pile works, ground works, installation of concrete and ferroconcrete monolithic constructions, steel constructions and industrial pipelines installation, finishing works, electrical works, installation of water supply and sewage networks, instrumentation and control equipment
Водоблок для установок 43/103
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Water unit for installations 43/103 located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period Апрель 2014 – декабрь 2015 г.
Type of works Preparatory works, pile works, ground works, installation of concrete and ferroconcrete monolithic constructions, steel constructions and industrial pipelines installation, finishing works, electrical works, installation of water supply and sewage networks, instrumentation and control equipment
Терминал слива, хранения и закачки в переработку СГК
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC
Object name and location Terminal of gutter, storage and injection into processing of SGC located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period November 2013 – December 2014
Type of works Construction of piled foundations, monolithic slabs, cable tray systems, WSS, buried tank, retaining wall
Установка Гидрокрекинга ВГО
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Installation of hydrocracked VGO on the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period October 2013 – May 2014
Type of works Dismantling of factory buildings, chimney, process pipe racks, reactor blocks, benches, tank farm, flare
Цех №16. Градирня №5 на водоблоке №5
Customer Gazpromneft-MNPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Section No. 16. Cooler No. 5 on water unit No. 5 located on the territory of the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period October 2013 – April 2014
Type of works Construction and assembly of cooler steel constructions
Благоустройство территории АО «Газпромнефть-ОНПЗ»
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Plant office building, site improvements on the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period August 2013 – September 2015
Type of works Decoration works, electrical works, heating radiators and fire alarm system replacement, facade repairing. Construction of underground water supply lines and canalization
Локальный блок оборотного водоснабжения
Customer Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC
Object name and location Local block of water reuse located at the Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC operating plant
Fulfilment period August 2013 – February 2014
Type of works Construction of buried catch pit, piled foundations, WSS networks, foundations and flooring
Объекты социально-бытовой сферы. База отдыха им. Д.М. Карбышева
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Objects of social and domestic sphere. D.M. Karbyshev Recreation Centre. Omsk region, Krasnoyarka village.
Fulfilment period May 2013 – May 2014
Type of works Reconstruction of canteen building, bedroom building and club building
Вагонные весы на эстакаде налива тит. 8501 ТСБ-1 для взвешивания ж/д четырехосных вагонов
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Track scales on pouring dock tit. 8501 TSB-1 for weighting four-axle railway wagons located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period April 2013 – October 2013
Type of works Installation of piled foundations, cable tray systems, floodlight towers, railway track and railway scales, landscaping, technological process control
Реконструкция азотно-кислородной станции
Customer Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC
General Contractor StroyCity, LLC
Object name and location Reconstruction of nitrogen and oxygen station and reconstruction of air separation section on the Omskiy kauchuk, PJSC operating plant
Fulfilment period December 2012 – June 2014
Type of works Construction of piled foundation, installation of WSS networks, construction of foundations, steelwork erection, assembling of sandwich panels, brickwork of internal partitions, flooring, landscaping
Автоматическая станция смешения масел производительностью 70 тыс. тонн в год
Customer Gazpromneft-SM, LLC, OZSM
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC
Object name and location Automatic oil mixture station with a capacity of 70 thousand tons per year located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period August 2012 – October 2013
Type of works Construction of piled foundations, installation of WSS networks, construction of foundations for tanks and concrete dyking of tanks, landscaping
Установка производства полипропилена
Customer Tobolsk-Polimer, LLC
General Contractor The Linde Group
Subcontractor OMUS-1, JSC
Object name and location Installation of polypropylene production. Discharge zone (CA 31, CA 90) located at «Tobolsk-Polimer» operating plant
Fulfilment period May 2012 – May 2013
Type of works Installation of foundations, floors, water supply and sewerage networks
Эстакада налива битума в железнодорожные цистерны.
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor Neftekhimremont, LLC
Object name and location Flyover of bitumen pouring into railway tanks. Installation 19/3 located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ (JSC) operating plant
Fulfilment period March 2012 – July 2013
Type of works Site preparation, structures dismantling, utility lines removal, construction works (ground works, installation of foundations, floors, water supply and canalization networks)
Комбинированная установка сероочистки газов, регенерации раствора МЭА и получения элементарной серы
Customer Gazpromneft-MNPZ, JSC
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC
Object name and location Integrated plant of gases desulphurization, MEA dip regeneration and production of free sulphur located at the Gazpromneft-MNPZ, JSC operating plant (Moscow city, Kapotnya, 2nd sect., bld. 1, block 3)
Fulfilment period September 2011 – August 2013
Type of works Site preparation, structures dismantling, utility lines removal, construction works (ground works, installation of foundations, floors, water supply and canalization networks), landscaping
Памятник омичам, внесшим значительный вклад в освоение космоса
Customer Branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprise M.V. Khrunichev GKN PTs PA Polet
Object name and location Monument to Omsk citizens, who greatly contributed to space exploration. Omsk city, Kosmicheskiy Ave., 17a
Fulfilment period November 2010 – July 2011
Type of works General construction and installation works
Комплекс установок гидроочистки бензинов каталитического крекинга и дизельных топлив
Customer Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC
General Contractor OMUS-1, OJSC, Genenergomontazh, LLC
Object name and location Complex of catalytic cracking naphtha and diesel fuels hydrotreater located at the Gazpromneft-ONPZ, JSC operating plant
Fulfilment period March 2010 – June 2012
Type of works Preparation of the construction site, structures dismantling, utility systems removal, ground works, piling works, installation of concrete and ferroconcrete monolithic constructions and floors, precast ferroconcrete constructions assembly, steelwork erection and cooler construction